Grazing management and pasture maintenance
Project organisation
The films of Patricia Fry make it easy to prepare for the next alp season. Important contents are shown in picture and sound. They awaken the interest of the audience immediately because the target group has its say.
Innovative farmers and herders from the Canton of Berne, Grison and Wallis talk about their successful know-how with grazing management and pasture maintenance
Project lead, concept
and production
Patricia Fry developed the approach “From Farmer to Farmer” and manages this project series since 2001. She forms and moderates the multistakeholder discussion group, interviews the protagonists and produces the films.
Contractors and multistakeholder
discussion group
These implementation films were realised within AlpFUTUR.
The project was financed by: AlpFUTUR, Schweizer Berghilfe, Federal Institut for Environment FOEN, Canton GR, BE, GL, LU, Korperation Uri, Pro Natura, soltierra foundation.
Grazing management and pasture maintenance
Production of the films
Patricia Fry: Lead, concept, multistakeholder discussion group, interviews, film concept
Renata Grünenfelder, Halbbild Halbton : film concept, camera and cut